Shortly after uploading Manchester Arena Incident Part One: A Guide to the Evidence, I had a “D’oh!” moment when I realised that the final 6 minutes of the video was missing. I ummed and ahhed for a while, wondering whether or not scrub the video and upload the correct version, but decided in the end to let it be and let it go. But looking at it again, I realise it makes an OK standalone short, and so I’ve decided to post it here on Substack.
In it, I present a run-thru of an e-mail exchange I had with the Home Office which came about when I tried to report the broken link on the Manchester Arena Inquiry page which I described earlier in the Part One video. Long story short, I was given the run-around, and the problem was not resolved. This attempt at communication happened back in April, and although I could’ve chased it up since then, in truth, I couldn’t face a repeat performance.
So, if after watching the above video, you feel inspired to have a go at running the gauntlet over this particular matter, please do… and let me know how you get on.
Remember, this is a PUBLIC inquiry, commissioned FOR THE PUBLIC heard IN PUBLIC and paid for with PUBLIC MONEY. The least they can do is rectify this problem to give us, THE PUBLIC, access to the material.
A reminder
Here is the real link to the Manchester Arena Inquiry Archive. Go for a rummage… it’s fun!
Well done for trying. This evasiveness is as good as a confession.